Friday, May 28, 2010


One of my favorite sports. The addrenaline that this sport gives to you doesnt compare to any sport out there. For some this sport its not known but for the ones that have played they can tell you that it is like being on the military. I have played this game for years now to the point that me and my cousin have started a paintball team. We usually get everyone to play all summer and winter some times. For this game it is a requisite to have a sence of tactics of where to go, where to hide and when to attack. Theres not a matter of how you dress for the gsme but as of how camyflage your uniform is in the woods. Me and my team use army uniforms as a way to disguise our self in the woods. Sometimes i usually put my guillie suit on so i can camuflage as a bush. I have got so many kills(with paint) with this tactic that is so funny watching them walk next to me as if nothing is there. It is a really fun game and i reccomended to anyone.

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