Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday in the pool!! :)

Today we are celebrating the memoria day weekend in the pool. Almost everyone from my family is here. The weather is so good today! Today we also had a baptism from my cousin's baby. I love to swim a lot!ok guys see you later..

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial day

This weekend is going to be fantastic! Nice weather and no work on monday!! Businesses should consider monday as a weekend.. Employees would be more efficient since they can rest 3 days..:) this weekend im going to be training soccer as much as i possibly can... Only hope that it is not going to rain..

Martial arts

As always me thinking, the other day i was with some friends who practice martial arts and thought of joining them in the near future. As we were talking about martial arts we got to thinking how cool it could be to practice martial arts with real sifus( master of martial arts) in asia. It looks like a crazy idea but it actually sounds pretty cool. To be able to learn from them all they can teach about the arts. For curiosity we wanted to check online for any international courses to asia and we actually found many. We were amazed since we thought they didnt do this type of programs and it actually looks pretty interesting. There are actually temples in asia that teach martial arts in intensive courses of 6 months.
We came to the conclusion that in the future we should do this type of trip to asia to visit this continent and at the same time train like a martial artist.

Soccer Tournament

Summer just got here and soccer its back again. With a lot of energy i prepare my self for soccer tournaments im having this july. I have pratice all this months in the gym gaining stamina as i possibly can to do good on the field. My position on the field is as a right-foward, basically the one that makes the goal for the team. Also this year they have consider to put me as captain of the team but i told them i dont want such honor since i dont like putting my self high. I just like playing for fun, do tricks and do my best on the field. My main goal for this year its to try to get known by important people and make the tryouts for the new york red bulls. My dream as any other soccer player is to be like the important soccer players in europe. Not only for the money but for the proud of representing your own country.

New iphone coming soon!!!

Cant wait for the new iphone to come out. They havent announced when it is exactly is coming but they confirmed that it is definetely this year. The features i hope they have to be far better than the iphone 3gs. As of now i own a iphone 3gs and for me it has been one of the best devices i have use in my life. The versately of it and ease of use makes it a most have. I know there are far better phones out there that have surpass the iphone like the company HTC with the new phone called ENVY which has a 1GB of RAM which makes it the most fastest phone as of now. I only hope apple tries to compete with HTC to come with a phone better or equal to the ENVY which i doubt they are going to do it since apple's interest is marketing by making a phone each year a little bit better than its predecesor. People say it is going to be a 4g phone which i doubt it because AT&T hasnt even talk about putting a 4g network. As of some features that people think the new iphone might have there is:
Front camera- its impossible to do since it will run really slow in a 3g network.
Camera flash- it is possible.
SD card for extra memory.
Make the phone slimmer.
Make the screen HD.
Put more RAM for speed.
More megapixels in the camera.
Make the speaker louder for music.
And more.
Some are able to be done and some we just might have to wait for a newer iphone.

My favorite teams for the world cup this year

As the worldcup is almost here everyone is wondering who is going to be the so acclaimed victorious team to defeat everyone in the worldcup. Since this is not matter of who you think is going to win but how the team will manage to defeat everyone, i have made a list of the possible champions:


For the last couple of months me and my family have been talking about where to go this summer. After wondering if we should go back to our country or stay in new york and visit places we havent been to, we decided to experiment the wonderful idea of taking a trip in a cruise. The idea was there bu where? After researching the different places we could go we got to the conclusion of a trip to the caribe. The cruise departs from new york which is wonderful since we dont have to travel much. The price its a little bit high but after making the numbers its comes around the same thing as going to my country. I have never been on a cruise before but after watching many movies with cruises it looks amazing. The only think im afraid of is if it happens the same thing it happen to the titanic.


One of my favorite sports. The addrenaline that this sport gives to you doesnt compare to any sport out there. For some this sport its not known but for the ones that have played they can tell you that it is like being on the military. I have played this game for years now to the point that me and my cousin have started a paintball team. We usually get everyone to play all summer and winter some times. For this game it is a requisite to have a sence of tactics of where to go, where to hide and when to attack. Theres not a matter of how you dress for the gsme but as of how camyflage your uniform is in the woods. Me and my team use army uniforms as a way to disguise our self in the woods. Sometimes i usually put my guillie suit on so i can camuflage as a bush. I have got so many kills(with paint) with this tactic that is so funny watching them walk next to me as if nothing is there. It is a really fun game and i reccomended to anyone.


Cipher also know as encryption is a great tool to hide important information in a unreadible format which can only be found following a code pattern.

It is important to cite some
ciphers that exist nowadays: transpositional ciphers and shift ciphers or caesar's cipher.

Transpotion cipher: a method of encryption by which the letter being encrypted is changed with another letter depending on the system pattern given by the cryptologist.


Which means: "hello world this transposition cipher "

Caesar's cipher: one of the simplest an most widely known encryption techniques. Is a type of substitution cipher in which eah letter in the text is replaced by a letter with a greater position in the alphabet.



Which means: "hello world"

Cipher is a useful tool to hide information you might not want to show to anyone..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


As always me and my family get together every evening and weekend to talk about our day or any important news thats happening now. Well the other we were talking about businesses oportunitues and one of them was about franchises.
For me franchises is a good business oportubity since the company that is providing its franchise its already a well organized company that had become prosperous with the past of the years. In my opinion i think buying a franchise is a good idea to start own business instead of starting a new business from scratch.
The risks are really low and since the company you buying the franchise from its already known you would not have any problem attracting customers. For a franchise to be sucessful it is important take a lot of consideration of the location it will be place on. Another important point its the demographic summary of which customers are you trying to reach. Some franchisors ask for this two important points before accepting any agreement with you. Also marketing takes an important in the success of your business but this is not a problem since most of the franchisors will include this as part of the franchise. If you have the money and dedication for the business you will do perfectly fine.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Soccer worldcup!!:)

Only 28 more days for the most thrilling and amazing worldcup! Soccer for me is one of the best sports out there.. Soccer is known for the passion the fans have for their teams! Almost every country in the world knows about the sport! This year the world cup will be in south africa which is the first time the world cup is going to be done there..the team im hoping is going to win the world cup is spain.. But since im from south america im supporting argentina...cant wait for the up to start!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My dog

Today im going to talk about my dog. His name is chewbacca and he is a wheaten terrier. This type of breed is a little bit rare and uckwon for some. The real breed name is soft coated wheaten terrier but most breeders just use the word wheaten. I just got him two weeks ago. He is only three months and a half and he is one of the best dogs i have ever had in my life. They are so loyal you just can imagine! Intelligent i would have to say also. Fun to watch since they make you laugh with the stuff they do.. With the time i hope to get him into competing with other dogs..he is now part of our family and will always be.. You guys might wonder why i put that name to my dog but if you google the breed you will see ;) lol


Yesterday i officially started the gym again... Its going to be a little bit hard to go when i have classes but im not stopping now...i stopped for 2 months the gym and other type of sports... Didnt like that since i felt tired without energies during those two moths..i think that keeping my self active makes my self feel good and feel alive..

Monday, May 10, 2010

Busy day-monday

For me monday is the most busiest day out of all since i have to do a lot of proposals and finish them as the day ends which sometimes it is impossible for me to do since some are hard to do..well the best thing about my job is that im always doing different stuff which keeps me active and not bored..for me learning and doing different stuff is long as you keep me busy doing something ill be happy..

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Awesome day! Really sunny

Right now im on my way to the park with my cousins. Its a really good climate for doing any type of sport. We like to play every kind of sport from soccer to paintball. We usually pratice tennis, soccer and ping pong. This year im tending more into practicing more water sports. I like doing wakeboarding which is like snowboarding but you are pulled by a boat. I love surfing but i need to get better on it.. Ok guys got to go we are arriving to the park.. Later.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hawaiian Party!!!

Yes, a Hawaiian party! Since my sister turn 28 this april she wanted to do her birthday really special and original so we came with the idea to make a hawaiian party. The party was today and we enjoyed a lot with everyone there. We had a great time with all my family and friends. There was a great combination with the food and the DJ playing since the music and the food was fantastic. There was also a bar which in hawaii they called the "tiki bar". We had so much fun with the games that my sister made everyone do. It was a great day, i just came from the party and since i needed to post something on the blogger i wanted to wait to write about it.

Welcome to my neighborhood / Welcome to my workplace

-Welcome to my neighborhood..
I currently live in Yonkers, Ny located in the Westchester county. Yonkers a place where all cultures get together and where there is no discrimination for any race or social status.
I live in an apartment near the Hudson river, the view is amazing since you can see the river up close. My Neighborhood has a lot of attractions, from museums to restaurants. You will never get bored of Yonkers since there are a lot of things to do. Welcome to my neighborhood.

-Welcome to my workplace..
I work on manhattan in a marketing company as a Marketing assessor. My job is to do proposals for big companies in the USA like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sony, etc. I love my workplace since it gives me the flexibility to do a lot of stuff. Right now I work fulltime and also study fulltime which is sometimes stressing but I try my best to finish school fast and be successful in life. As for what exactly I do in my job, I usually get into group discussions with my coworkers to get ideas and different views for a marketing proposal the company is asking. This is my job and hope you like it cause i love it.